I thought high fashion people never dressed alike?
9 mins
When you really get down to it, if you are hype, high fashion and on trend you tend to all look the same because it's what's going on at that moment...So this isn't that far off...In trying to differentiate yourself you become a clone...
that's why I like Forever 21. They don't have two of anything.
I know people who have gotten buried inside that store for days.
and when you finally do emerge you're wearing a ripped up Dirty Dancing t-shirt and electric blue leggings
3 mins
I lost my sister for an hour in Forever 21 during Christmas...She didn't even realize I was looking for her...But Prada has so few pieces every season, so if you buy Prada you are bound to have a couple outfit twins out there...
puts out*
yeah, good idea. I'll buy Prada from now on.